About Us

Our journey has begun in little cafeteria back in 2014. The owners Michal and Martin still refer to is as “the birthplace” of Arufel s.r.o.
Their bright ideas, hard work and countless business trips all around the Globe have eventually transformed into a brand-new company with focus on Global FMCG import and export.
Arufel s.r.o. has rapidly grown, changed, and expanded since then.
No longer operating from little cafeteria, we became FMCG experts, and are currently running strong multimillion import-export and distribution business at the heart of Central Europe in Presov, Slovakia.
Offering wide range of FMCG products and distribution to over 40 countries globally, we provide steady and reliable service to our valued business partners.
Arufel Timeline
Martin and Michal acquired Ltd. Company Arufel s.r.o.
Little did they know back then, entering the market with just a single product in their portfolio, what an extraordinary journey is waiting for them…
We’ve started exploring various sales opportunities outside of Slovakia and travelling to meet our future clients and partners abroad.
Our diligent work has gradually turned into solid foundation of Arufels radiant future.
In summer 2017 we’ve moved into our first warehouse – with 400 square meters and one loading bay only, we thought we have all the space we need for our business. We were wrong!
Our portfolio has expanded rapidly, and very soon we’ve run out of space. We were causing traffic jams in the area on daily basis.
It was the time for us to move to bigger warehouse…
Arufel s.r.o. has moved into large logistics centre in Presov – Slovakia
There was only three of us at that point - Martin, Michal, and our warehouse chief Milan.
We are still operating at Druzstevna warehouse today, but with one big difference – we now have large team of dedicated staff members always willing to go that extra mile to satisfy our partner’s needs.
This year was a game changer for Arufel s.r.o.
We have entered major supply contract with supermarkets and petrol stations chain outside of Slovakia.
With over 100 SKUs in our catalogue now, and with great customers demand for our labelling and re-packing services, we’ve made general investment into one of the best warehouse operating systems on the market and built brand new labelling and re-packing lines.
All the hard work, business trips, investments in technology and staff training have finally came to fruition. We have grown and expanded our business activities outside of Europe and entered number of significant contracts with large distribution centres worldwide. Our team has expanded with number of sales, account and transport professionals joining Arufel s.r.o. forces.
2021 was without a doubt the most challenging year for everyone – not only in business. With pandemic related obstacles and world trade shaking to its very core, we had to adjust and learn to swim in rough and unknown waters of rapidly changing FMCG trade. We had to survive, and so we did, but it wouldn’t be possible without our great professionally trained team and supportive business partners.
We are looking forward to welcoming new partners in joined effort to expand our businesses. Come along and be a part of Arufels success story for many years to come.
We are very proud to have achieved so far:
Years in Business
Trucks In and Out
Products in Offer
Countries we work with